Richard Tricker
I have always enjoyed sketching and drawing from an early age. My background as an architect, with my earlier professional years predating computer drafting and visualisation, meant that I had both a professional and leisure excuse for painting and drawing. My membership of Tadworth Art Group over some 15 years has given me a friendly and critical environment within which to progress my work and to exhibit on a regular basis.
In my work I try to remain loose, providing enough detail or suggestion of detail to portray the subject matter, but leaving the viewer to fill in the gaps and interpret what is going on. I try to give each mark on the paper, or block of colour, a purpose. I have mostly worked in water colour but am increasingly using the addition of pen, acrylics and oil pastel to help give extra life, variety and texture to the image. My subject matter is predominantly a mixture of landscapes, townscapes and coastal images and I try to inject a feeling of light, tonal contrast and interest to draw the viewer into the picture and to discover the detail which is suggested or implied but perhaps not delineated. My hope is that the viewer will continue on repeated viewing to find interest in the painting and that it will give long term pleasure when hanging on the wall.